Neil Peart, the renowned drummer and lyricist for Rush, has died. Peart died on Tuesday, January 7th in Santa Monica, California. The musician was battling brain cancer for three years. He was 67-years-old.
Elliot Mintz, a spokesperson for the Peart family, released a statement announcing the news. Known as one of the greatest drummers in rock history, Peart influenced countless of drummers throughout our time such as Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins. The iconic musician began drumming at age 14. A few years later, he found his way to London and auditioned for Rush. Peart’s talents were recognized and he became a band member just in time for Fly By Night, Rush’s second album. Peart not only played the drums for the band, but was also their lead lyricist. With iconic songs like “Tom Sawyer,” Peart opened the door to unique music formations.
Rush – Tom Sawyer (Official Music Video)
Rush was indicted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. By 2015, Rush completed their last tour and Peart retired from his music career. That same year, Rush singer and bassist Geddy Lee said in an interview that working with Peart was a pleasure. “I am a fan of Neil’s, and I love being a collaborator with him, because he is so objective and easy to work with. We’ll be recording songs, and stumbling over a word or something, and if Neil is not in the studio we’ll get him on the phone and discuss it.”
Photo: Getty